Calculate personal income tax in Excel for 2021


Here's a handy one-line Excel formula to calculate personal income tax

For the 2020-21 financial year:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(D5>={18201;45001;120001;180001}),(D5-{18200;45000;120000;180000}), {0.19;0.135;0.045;0.08})

Where: D5 = Taxable Income

For the 2019-20 financial year:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(C5>={18201;37001;90001;180001}),(C5-{18200;37000;90000;180000}), {0.19;0.135;0.045;0.08})

Where: C5 = Taxable Income

For Medicare in 2019-20 and 2020-21 we can use:


Where D5 is Taxable Income

Note: this includes the low income phase in for single individuals, but I haven't (yet) programmed in other complications such as seniors and pensioners, families and dependants.  Don't forget the Medicare Levy Surcharge also!

Example spreadsheet can be found here: